
Monday, June 8, 2020

Two little sister dancing Stock Videos.

Two little sister dancing 

Friday, June 5, 2020

What is aesthetic photography?

Photo is important in various areas of our lives including passports, newspapers, documentation, advertizing, what not in the age of Internet. Outside of emergency areas, a photographer pursues creativity and self-aggrandizement thus photography became an art.
It's nice to see something beautiful, it seems like a very simple thing, but the process is quite complicated. Whether something looks good or strange in a corner depends largely on the viewer's experience, imagination, beliefs, gender, and so on. The kind of pictures that are pleasing to the general public may not be worthy of consideration by the judges. But as human beings we have some common experiences and desires, that's why many beautiful things seem beautiful to almost everyone.

Aesthetic  Photography

How is the picture pleasing at first sight?

There is a point on interest in a photo which attracts the eye and mind of the viewer, when a picture or photo has a central theme which is (1) something eternally beautiful in itself, (2) something extraordinary, something that the viewer does not usually see, (3) Something very ordinary, but presented in a remarkable way which has made by grade, position, Lighting, post editing technology of photography etc that made subject breathtaking.   Evergreen beauty refers to the beautiful face and facial expressions, body and body posture, nature and its special time or season, flowers, butterflies, animal, mother earth etc.

The dominance of color with special angles, consistent with the subject, time and place of the image or can make it captivating. The artistic arrangement of colors, in the picture can greatly increase the attractiveness of the photograph. 

Content of a Picture  : Materialistic or Spiritual 

A picture can be a direct picture of something in a turn that can be touched. For example, a passport photo (which is of a person), a photo of a car, a photo of a building, etc. Again no matter what elements are in the picture frame,  but it is something else  that can be understood and felt by the viewer. For example, a mother would be compelled to say that the picture of the moment of caressing her child is not a joint picture of that woman and that child; it is a picture of love. If a cow licking the body of her newborn calf, but it will be a picture of nature.
                                                                Art of Photography

Aesthetics Composition.
Composition in the general sense refers to the selection of content or events in a specific place or time. The word composition applies in many places;  such as painting, graphic design, filmmaking,  essays, poems, plays, letters  etc. There is also composition in the melody. Aesthetics is an important aspect in the field of engineering such as home design, interior-exterior design, architectural style etc.
When we look at it, we choose something that is useful or good. When I hear something, I listen and remember some words or sentences with interest. Just as there is composition in creation, so there is composition in sharing. There are someone create, someone lyricists, someone composers, singers, musicians all Created songs together. The audience enjoyed it.
First a frame is taken, which can be rectangular, square or even circular. If it is rectangular, it can be horizontal, it can be vertical. In the case of a rectangular image, the ratio of length and width may vary, in some cases it may not match the format of the camera. Second, we decide how much space that thing (central subject) will cover in the picture frame. To do that, I go ahead with the camera, back or zoom in and out.
Then it is decided how much space there will be on either side of the thing. To do this, we tilt the camera up or tilt it down, turn it from side to side, lift the camera up and down. We may have our own desires or plans for what kind of perspective (especially comparative size) of the original content should be created with the front, side and rear contents. In order to get that, we change the focal length of the lens in some cases, pushing things forward or backward.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

What does it mean to hear birds chirping outside your window?

In the village birds are chirping bird singing all day long.
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